Hallo sobat blogger semua !, pastinya dalam kondisi yang sehat wal'afiat bukan sobat semua ? Amiin. Kita akan mencoba mengangkat bahasan tentang Commercialization of Biomass Combustion Chamber, Waste Oil Burner and Energy Efficiency Technologies."
An Integrated Strategy for Market Expansion
of a Small Scale Mechanical Engineering Firm
Expansion Strategy
Strengthening the performance of the existing marketing team�s to increase the company�s sales.
Extensive collaboration with potential buyers in the initiation and development of clean energy and energy efficiency projects is the stepping stone to market expansion.
Partnership with technology provider, consulting firm or R & D agency is also essential to boost marketing of clean technology including development of CDM projects.
Sufficient financial resources is needed to implement the company�s expansion program.
Feedstock: agriculture waste
Fuel consumption: 3 kg of biomass equivalent to 1 liter of diesel
Heating capacity: 3 to 8 tons/hour
Application: boiler, turbine, kiln rotary dryer, etc.
Main components: main chamber, blower, fire-resistant stone, insulation, window, hopper
Can be applied along with the Biomass Block Press"
Source : http://wirajasateknik.blogspot.com/2009/11/commercialization-of-biomass-combustion.html
Daun kering tebu atau lainnya yang sudah dipadatkan
An Integrated Strategy for Market Expansion
of a Small Scale Mechanical Engineering Firm
Expansion Strategy
Strengthening the performance of the existing marketing team�s to increase the company�s sales.
Extensive collaboration with potential buyers in the initiation and development of clean energy and energy efficiency projects is the stepping stone to market expansion.
Partnership with technology provider, consulting firm or R & D agency is also essential to boost marketing of clean technology including development of CDM projects.
Sufficient financial resources is needed to implement the company�s expansion program.
Feedstock: agriculture waste
Fuel consumption: 3 kg of biomass equivalent to 1 liter of diesel
Heating capacity: 3 to 8 tons/hour
Application: boiler, turbine, kiln rotary dryer, etc.
Main components: main chamber, blower, fire-resistant stone, insulation, window, hopper
Can be applied along with the Biomass Block Press"
Source : http://wirajasateknik.blogspot.com/2009/11/commercialization-of-biomass-combustion.html
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